If you’re heading on a trip, whether it be a week-long vacation or a year-long round-the-world trip, there are so many things to do before you actually set off. The below travel checklist will cover everything you need to consider doing before backpacking from 3 months before your trip up until the day before you …
How to Practice Self-Care While Traveling
Self-care is such a buzzword in 2023, but what does it even mean? Why do I need to practice self-care while traveling and having fun? Self-care is a pretty broad term to cover anything that you do to care for yourself physically, mentally or emotionally. Many people will understand the need to take care of …
Which Type of Hostel is Right For You?
So you’ve decided to go backpacking, and you’re looking at staying in hostels? Congrats, I’m sure it’s going to be a great adventure. After you book your flights, the next step is looking at hostels. If you’ve never stayed in a hostel before and you open HostelWorld or Booking.com, you would probably be flabbergasted at …
Which Accommodation Type is Right for Me?
If you’re planning your first trip, trying to decide where to stay can be a challenge. Some people may tell you that you should stay in hostels for the social vibe and to save money. Others may tell you hostels aren’t safe, and you should stay in large hotels only. How do you decide between …
How to Haggle While Backpacking
Haggling is when you negotiate back and forth while a vendor over the price of a good or service. In most Western countries, haggling is relatively uncommon. The closest thing to haggling in Western countries would be asking for a discount or better price with a travel agent or used car dealer. Even this is …
How to Make Friends at Hostels
This is probably one of the most asked-about topics on all backpacking forums and in travel content creators’ comments. How do you make friends at hostels? What if no one speaks to me at the hostel? But what if I don’t make any friends? It’s totally normal to be worried about not making friends. I’ve …
How to Sleep Well in a Hostel
If you’re planning your first backpacking trip, wondering whether you’re going to be able to sleep is valid. A lot will depend on you and what kind of sleeper you are. For example, whether you are a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper. Even if you are a light sleeper, travelling can be super exhausting …
Five Simple Tips for Saving Money for Travel
One of the most stressful parts of planning a trip is budgeting and saving money for travel. Are you going to be able to afford to travel for the length of time you want to be away? How can you save extra money? What if I run out of money overseas? I’ve successfully saved for …
The Best Apps For Backpackers
If you’re going travelling, setting yourself up with travel apps before you leave is going to set you up for a smoother travelling experience. There are about a million travel apps out there so how do you know which are the best apps for backpackers? Below is my list of tried-and-true backpacker apps, which I …
How to Travel Safely as a Solo Female Traveller
“Aren’t you worried about travelling all alone?”. The answer is: not really, actually. Before booking my first solo travel, I worried about safety, particularly as a female. There were so many conflicting sources on whether it was safe to travel solo as a female. And I imagined being kidnapped and sold into a prostitution ring …